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Omni-motion, Bluetooth-remote-control and Self-reloading Automatic Catapult

This web page is maintained for sharing the project materials in Design and Manufacturing I, 2022 spring. Welcome to email us at

Project Materials



This project is mainly designed to finish all the tasks proposed in the requirements—remotely control the catapult to launch different balls in some specific points with automatic reloading. After taking QFD analysis about this project, we divide the whole project into four individual systems: driving, remoting, launching and reloading. Learning from the classical mechanical model and state-of-the-art technology, we design this omni-motion, Bluetooth-remote-control and self-reloading automatic catapult. In this report, we discuss the designing process in detail, from the concept design using QFD method, to the prototypes of different system, experimental results & performance evaluation, discussion about the final product, the cost estimation about the whole procedure and the conclusion on the project. In the end, we also list all the references we cite, the nomenclature used in this report, and the acknowledge of this project. All other related works are attached in the appendix. Key words: QFD method, omni-motion, Bluetooth remote, lever-spring catapult, turbine-based reloading.

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Video Demo

Check the Video Demo produced by SharpShooter in the Best Awarded Team posted by the Wechat Public Account of Shien-Ming Wu School of Intelligent Engineering. (The last video in the post)